Investment Project Management


The syllabus (2 languages) and approved course curriculum (in Russian) for “Investment Project Managment” you find here.

Ibidem there are various models and the principles of grading. My CV is here. The key page – “Assignments”. And on this page — all the presentations we discuss in the classes. Section «Links» — there are plenty of various information for those who’d like to be more deeply involved into the professional knowledges.

I’m at your entire disposal at: Please, use the same e-mail for providing your solutions.

The deadline for your models and cases is 6 p.m. 12/12/2017.

Here are your current grades (13/12/2017 16-30, please, check your personal grades – I could miss something): Students list 2017_2

IPM. Principles of grading

I hope our lectures and communication will be pleasant and useful.

Yours, Mikhail Cherkasov

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